Kali ʻuokapaʻakai Collective

The Kaliʻuokapaʻakai Collective is a community of practice of advocates in Wahi Kūpuna Stewardship. It was created from the need to come together and organize our shared ideas, resources, and strategies to build capacity and take collective action in safeguarding Hawaiʻi’s wahi kūpuna, or ancestral and cultural places. For years many of us have been working in separate silos to enact change, but werenʻt achieving the large-scale impacts so the Collective was formed to strengthen Wahi Kūpuna Stewardship through collaboration and collective efforts.

The Kaliʻuokapaʻakai Collective is made up of leaders and change agents who represent many different fields and disciplines, but who all care about Hawaiʻi’s wahi kūpuna. Collective members represent Hawaiʻi’s communities, government agencies, academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, social enterprises, private sector firms, and Native Hawaiian serving institutions.
Our mission is to collectively activate and fulfill our kuleana to protect Hawaiʻi’s wahi kūpuna and ʻike kūpuna.

Huliauapaʻa currently serves as the backbone organization for the Kaliʻuokapaʻakai Collective and has the kuleana of supporting, facilitating, and guiding the collaborative visions and strategies to increase our collective impact. Huliauapaʻa works to build a network that cultivates and guides meaningful pilina amongst Collective members towards our shared vision of empowered communities restoring, reinvigorating, and stewarding Hawaiʻi’s wahi kūpuna.