Kaʻūpūlehu, North Kona, Hawaiʻi (2012)

Kahina hewitt

Located in the wahi kūpuna of Kahaluʻu Kūāhewa in the district of North
Kona there are identified water sources, retention, and distribution
systems; this is contrasting to often predominant discussions about Kona
being dry with a lack of irrigation. This research aims to highlight the
abundance of water sources, features, retention, and distribution systems
found in Kahaluʻu Kūāhewa. These features include kuaiwi, ʻauwai, and
pūnāwai and were identified through ethnohistorical research and the
examination of historical and contemporary maps to ultimately inventory
and create a comprehensive list of these impressive bodies of wai.
Conducting fieldwork was an additional component of this project.
Fieldwork techniques that were implemented include ground truthing,
GPS documentation, and mapping using a compass and baseline mapping
technique. Through the Wahi Kūpuna Internship Program, the 2022 cohort,
Ka Hālona Lewa o ka ʻŪmeke ʻAi, established relationships with the
revered ʻāina of Kahaluʻu Kūāhewa and hope to continue to support its
growth by encouraging the Kona community to familiarize themselves
with the place through wahi kūpuna stewardship.
Kahina's project here
Kawai souza

The research offered in this narrative aims to assist in the cultivation and
development of agricultural practices at Kahaluʻu Kūāhewa, a major
agricultural zone in the ahupuaʻa of Kahaluʻu in North Kona. Kahaluʻu
Kūāhewa is the largest known remaining portion of the Kona Field
System, a rich rain-fed dry-land agricultural complex on the mokupuni
(island) of Hawaiʻi. This research highlights the importance of regenerative
agriculture methods in ensuring a sustainable maximization of food
production and identifies ancestral regenerative agriculture methods
currently being or of interest to be practiced at Kahaluʻu Kūāhewa. To aid
in the understanding and implementation of these ancestral regenerative
agriculture methods, we documented one of the kīhāpai or cultivated
patches at Kahaluʻu Kūāhewa. It is the aim of this research to assist in the
expansion of current agricultural practices at Kahaluʻu Kūāhewa in order
to move toward a future in which food production is primarily self-
Kawai's project here
Kaʻala bertlemann

“Paepae hou ia ka Pōhaku” comes from a longer saying: Paepae hou ia ka
pōhaku i paʻa maila ke kahua hale hou; to prop up the stones once more,
so a new secure foundation is formed. With this research I hope to
contribute to the foundational knowledge of heiau , their function, and the
relevance of heiau to people and place. Heiau and our smaller shrines like
ʻahu, Unu and Koʻa were the spiritual pillars of our communities. Through
scholarly articles, reports, maps, and by conducting interviews with
community members in Kahaluʻu, I was able to create a catalog of the
heiau in Kahaluʻu. Additionally, the catalog includes a listing of the different
types of structures used for prayer and worship and the names of the
heiau within the ʻahupuaʻa of Kahaluʻu. Considering that we were
frequently working in the agricultural field system of Kūāhewa in Kahaluʻu,
this research additionally highlights agriculture heiau. In this report I
introduce what heiau are, there is a bit information of the history of our
heiau, and the story behind the decline of our use of heiau in Hawaiʻi.
Kaʻala's project here
Kainani merill

The ʻāina known as Kahaluʻu Kūāhewa is located in the ahupuaʻa of
Keauhou in the moku of Kona within the mokupuni of Hawaiʻi and stands
at a central location for the West Hawaiʻi Educational complex. This
location is ideal for offering ʻāina based educational experiences for the
West Hawaiʻi Educational Complex. Through a series of interviews done
with educators from a variety of grades, experience levels, and different
originating regions, the query focused on the type of support that would
be appropriate, convenient, and practical for public education teachers
in the West Hawaii Complex area. The response from educators was that
a premade curriculum that could be easily and effectively brought into
their classrooms, with activities such as coinciding field trips, would be
especially beneficial. Another matter that was brought to light was the
turnover rate within the Hawaiʻi Department of Education that leads to
high hiring rates of new and non local teachers. The lack of familiarity
with the region and culture could also be addressed by Kahaluʻu
Kūāhewa through family based Professional Development that includes
introduction of ʻāina, culture and curriculum development support. By
developing a robust infrastructure and a thriving variety of curriculum,
Kahaluʻu Kūāhewa has the opportunity to effectively positively impact
public education within its complex area.